Note: this project was done as practice, and as such, is not a complete or functioning tool. However, the research and data are real.

Nova is a full-service desktop program and app for contractors
NOVA Calendars
Familiarity, simplicity, and functionality
NOVA calendars
A general overview of multiple projects across a long timeline. Holidays and weather warnings are displayed across all projects, and individual schedules are accounted for when viewing specific projects.
A more detailed look at multiple projects, giving access to start and end times for each project with higher detail than the monthly view.
A highly detailed, project-based view that gives budget information and pop-up warnings when scheduling, weather, and budget conflicts arise. Managers can view and control when employees and equipment are scheduled, allowing for fine tuning of your budget.

Budget tools
NOVA intuitively accounts for your costs between personnel, equipment, and time. As you make changes to your schedule, NOVA's budgeting tools automatically adjust to give updated information.
Performance Review
With the combination of our scheduling tools and budgeting tools, NOVA can give comprehensive performance reviews across various categories and criteria.
a note on ethics: these performance reviews are meant for transparency and not as a means of advising hiring processes.
Why the focus on calendars?
In my research for this project, I spoke to several people of varying ends of this proverbial spectrum. Between project managers, head contractors, sub-contractors, and other product developers, the most commonly highlighted weakness was their ability to keep a good schedule. NOVA is an idea that seeks to turn a weakness into a strength. Given that good planning is the basis of every successful project, it is important that we have a strong, easy-to-understand starting point for any project.